Shipping costs to USA, Canada, Japan and Australia

The store calculates the shipping cost automatically.
In some orders, we ask for a slight surcharge or refund excessive shipping costs.
Please be understanding and patient.

If you need to buy more, please contact with us.

We will prepare the best shipping option for you.

Feel free to write to us.

All products are made to order and ready for shipping within 21 days.

Your order will be sent via “Polish Mail” Priority or “GLOBAL Expres” and “GLS EURO BUSINESS PARCEL” | “DPD group”

Every package have got tracking number.

Tracking to the United States or Canada only works with “GLOBAL Expres”

We are not responsible for delays in delivery at your local carrier.

Approximate delivery time “Polish Mail Priority”:

Poland ~~ 1-2 business days
Europe ~~ 10 business days
USA | Canada ~~ 5-7 weeks
Australia ~~ 6-8 weeks

Approximate delivery time “GLOBAL Expres”:

Europe ~~ 6 business days
USA | Canada ~~ 13 business days
Australia ~~ 22 business days


Europe ~~ 2-4 business days

Approximate delivery time “FEDEX INTERNATIONAL PRIORITY”

USA | Canada | Australia~~ 3-5 business days

Where is my package?

Feel free to contact with us, or check your PayPal.

You can check status of your delivery here:


Select your currency
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